Manager Bundle Up to top

How can we help you?

Please review our documentation before contacting us. If you can’t find the plugin or feature you are looking for, please send us your request or submit a ticket.


We have prepared detailed documentation for each of our released plugins.

Plugin request

Didn’t find the plugin you were looking for? Send us a request and we’ll consider creating one.

Feature request

Didn’t find the feature you were looking for? Send us a request and we will consider adding it.

Submit a ticket

Please note that the average estimated response time is one business day. However, in most cases the support agent will respond within 2-3 hours.

Before you send us your ticket, make a backup of your site and then update Thisplugin manager and the plugins we use to the latest version, try to disable other plugins (conflict detection), if necessary, change the theme to the basic theme of Wordpress.

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Add the name of the plugin you are contacting us about
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