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WPShipmall Sync
#3.2.9 – 27.10.2022
## Added
- added export tab description
#3.2.8 – 25.10.2022
## Fixed
- added manual export packeta fix
- added dependency fix
#3.2.7 – 11.10.2022
## Fixed
- added whitelabel fix
#3.2.6 – 3.10.2022
## Added
- added readme.txt and license.txt files
## Changed
- updated plugin description
#3.2.5 – 28.9.2022
## Fixed
- form autocomplete fix
#3.2.4 – 20.9.2022
## Fixed
- license fix
#3.2.3 – 16.9.2022
- fixed unscheduling of cron events after plugin deactivation
#3.2.2 – 9.9.2022
- added status icons for orders
- added support for excluding products from shipmall export
- added automatic exclusion of virtual products from shipmall export
- added order condition when it has no products to export to shipmall
- fixed order export status sequence
- added Slovak language translation
#3.2.1 – 5.9.2022
- fixed orders variable key for deferred orders
#3.2.0 – 25.8.2022
- added support for updating single product stock status
- added support for excluding products from export, excluding of virtual products are now automatic
- added support for new admin settings pages
- added Slovak language translation
- changed all background processes, moved from action scheduler to native wp cron
#3.1.6 – 10.5.2022
- added background process for updating Shipmall order status optimization
#3.1.5 – 3.5.2022
- fixed custom order id compatibility
#3.1.4 – 26.4.2022
- fixed background process for updating Shipmall order status
#3.1.3 – 25.4.2022
- fixed retrieving of shipping method instance id
#3.1.2 – 24.4.2022
- added support for changing packeta pickup point when order not exported to Shipmall to admin
#3.1.1 – 23.4.2022
- fixed packeta pickup points selection when using 3rd party plugins for woocommerce shipping methods
#3.1.0 – 23.4.2022
- added support for Packeta personal pickup points
#3.0.1 – 17.4.2022
- fixed demo endpoint URL
#3.0.0 – 16.3.2022
- changed Comgate branding, namespaces and variables to Shipmall
#2.2.0 – 21.2.2022
- added support for connecting existing Comgate order to woo order on order detail metabox
- added support for disconnecting woo order from Comgate order on order detail metabox
- added support for cancelling Comgate order on order detail metabox
- added wp filter thpl_shipmall_export_order_payment_id
#2.1.0 – 10.2.2022
- added settings for pairing woo order shipping methods to Comgate Carrier_ID and Service
- added settings page “Auto sync settings”
- added Comgate metabox on admin order detail page
- added support for Comgate order status change triggers to change woo order status
- added support for automatic products stock update from Comgate
- added support for automatic orders status update from Comgate
- added support for deferring orders export
- added wp filter thpl_shipmall_export_order_phone
- added wp filter thpl_shipmall_export_order_documents
- added wp filter thpl_shipmall_export_order_defer
- removed settings page for manual orders check
- removed woo order status “repair data”
#2.0.0 – 15.1.2022
- added support for new factory libraries
- added wp filter thpl_shipmall_export_order_product_sku
#1.2.0 – 10.9.2021
- added support for packeta personal pickup
1.1.0 – 3.6.2021
- added woo order status “repair data”
#1.0 – 5. 5. 2021 – Initial release
Woocommerce plugin focused on automatic two-way sync of Woocommerce and Shipmall fulfillment solution.
Main features:
- automatic synchronization of orders and producfts
- pairing shipping methods and triggers
- simple order update and stock changes for every sold product
Other features:
- Authentification
- Two way synchronization
- Sync intervals
- Shipping methods mapping
- Personal pickup points
- Order export triggers
- Shipmall delivery statuses
- Order metabox